Famly is a management system for nurseries. It encompasses all aspects of the nursery from information about you and your child, to details of your child's day at nursery and then to all aspects of the financial side of the nursery
When you joined the nursery you would have been sent an email when we registered you on our system. If you have not received this email then please ask the nursery manager to resend it to you.
Famly is available as an app on both Apple IOS and Google Android app stores. Please search for "FAMLY" in the stores.
Famly is also available via any internet browser on a PC, MAC or Laptop. Go to the following address; https://app.famly.co
As a parent you can ....
- See your child's daily activity
- Edit their info
- Answer permissions
- Add contacts
- Access Learning Journals
- Message the nursery
- View your account history
- Edit Your Settings
For more information on what Famly can do from a Parent's point of view please visit this link on the Famly help centre; Parents - get the most out of Famly!
Paying your Nursery Fees with Famly
Famly Pay allows you to pay your nursery fees electronically via Direct Debit or with a Debit or Credit card.
When you choose Direct Debit a single payment is automatically taken from your account on the 1st of the Month for the exact balance of your nursery fees. This will include any additional sessions you have booked recently or in the next month.
Direct Debit is our preferred payment mechanism.
It is also possible to use either a DEBIT or CREDIT card with Famly Pay. Although this is a convenient payment mechanism the nursery is charged a 2% commission every time a card is used.
More information can be found on Famly Pay in the Famly help centre; Famly Pay - Parent Payments